Monday, 11 April 2011

iPhone 4 running android

If you have an iphone 4 , you can try the Android OS on your device without having to buy an Android Phone [ like Samsung Galaxy S - HTC Desire]

If you have an iphone 4 , you can try the Android OS on your device without having to buy an Android Phone [ like Samsung Galaxy S - HTC Desire]. There is a new app [BootLace] in Cydia Store that allows you to install and run Android on Jailbroken iPhone 4 . Below are the steps to install iDroid [iOS version of Android] on your iPhone.

Steps to install Android on iPhone 4 iOS 4 :
  1. Jailbreak and install Cydia on your iphone [jailbreak iphone 4 4.1 guide here]
  2. Add the following repo in cydia sources : 
  3. After having the source updated , you can search BootLace inside Cydia using the available search option [in the new added source Neonkoala].
  4. Download BootLace application on your iphone [size - 580 KB] and tap the install button at top right as shown below . 
  5. After completing the installation process , return to Cydia and tap the home button to launchhomescreen . Here you will see the BootLace icon. Tap to launch it .
  6. Bootlace will now begin downloading the Kernel and start patching your jailbroken iphone 4. Reboot after the process finishes.
  7. Tap on the BootLace icon again. This time it will show the welcome message . Press ok and select iDroid from the Bootlace App menu as shown below  
  8. Now tap on Install button to begin the installation of Android on iphone 4 . This will download android on your phone . Make sure you have uninterrupted wifi internet so that it wont break down in the middle of downloading.
  9. Once iDroid has completed installing , tap on OpeniBoot tab and install as shown below .
  10. After having OpeniBoot installed , press configure button on OpeniBoot menu and make your settings as shown in the image below .

That’s pretty much it. I tried to cover the whole process as detailed as possible.