If you have an iphone 4 , you can try the Android OS on your device without having to buy an Android Phone [ like Samsung Galaxy S - HTC Desire]
If you have an iphone 4 , you can try the Android OS on your device without having to buy an Android Phone [ like Samsung Galaxy S - HTC Desire]. There is a new app [BootLace] in Cydia Store that allows you to install and run Android on Jailbroken iPhone 4 . Below are the steps to install iDroid [iOS version of Android] on your iPhone.
Steps to install Android on iPhone 4 iOS 4 :
- Jailbreak and install Cydia on your iphone [jailbreak iphone 4 4.1 guide here]
- Add the following repo in cydia sources : http://repo.neonkoala.co.uk
- After having the source updated , you can search BootLace inside Cydia using the available search option [in the new added source Neonkoala].
- Download BootLace application on your iphone [size - 580 KB] and tap the install button at top right as shown below .
- After completing the installation process , return to Cydia and tap the home button to launchhomescreen . Here you will see the BootLace icon. Tap to launch it .
- Bootlace will now begin downloading the Kernel and start patching your jailbroken iphone 4. Reboot after the process finishes.
- Tap on the BootLace icon again. This time it will show the welcome message . Press ok and select iDroid from the Bootlace App menu as shown below
- Now tap on Install button to begin the installation of Android on iphone 4 . This will download android on your phone . Make sure you have uninterrupted wifi internet so that it wont break down in the middle of downloading.
- Once iDroid has completed installing , tap on OpeniBoot tab and install as shown below .
- After having OpeniBoot installed , press configure button on OpeniBoot menu and make your settings as shown in the image below .
That’s pretty much it. I tried to cover the whole process as detailed as possible.
works on i-pod 4th gen as well i guess?