Monday 11 April 2011

Android on Nokia N810

You will need…
  • A Nokia N810 (this should also work with the N800 and the N770)
  • USB and Charging cables.
  • A computer running Ubuntu (or most other flavours of Linux)
  • A working Internet connection.
  • NERVES OF STEEL! (Not really, it’s very simple to reflash the N810 if you do mess up.)
So here’s the HOWTO:
  1. Back up any files you want to keep from your N810. We’re going to be wiping it clean.
  2. Remove any SD cards you’ve got from the N810.
  3. Make sure the battery is fully charged.
  4. Create a folder on your computer called “Nitdroid”.
  5. Download the following files (or newer if available)
  6. The flasher – this allows you to flash the hardware (you may need a different version if you’re running 64bit or PPC).
  7. The Android filesystem
  8. The Andoid OS
  9. Connect your N810 to your computer via USB, switch the N810 on.
  10. If you haven’t got it already, install and run gparted.
  11. You need to create 3 partitions, the first must be FAT32, the third must be ext3 with a minimum size of 128MB. See the picture for an example.
  12. Take a note of the device name – in this example, it’s /dev/sdb
  13. We need to mount the ext3 filesystem we’ve created – go to the command line and type
    sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb3 /android
    Remember to change /dev/sdb3 to whatever your device is actually called.
  14. We now need to go to the “/android” directory and extract the filesystem to it. At the command line, type
    cd /android
    sudo tar -xjpvf /home/$USER/Desktop/nitdroid/
    Remember to change $USER to your username – or change the whole path to where you downloaded the nitdroid files.
  15. Once complete, you unmount the filesystem by typing
    sudo umount /android
  16. We’re ready to flash! Hurrah!
  17. Turn off the N810, unplug it from the power and USB cables.
  18. We need to make the flashing software executable so type
    chmod a+x flasher-3.0-static
  19. Plug the N810 into the USB cable but leave it switched off.
  20. Run the flashing software (yes, with the N810 turned off) by typing
    sudo ./flasher-3.0-static -f -k zImage-nitdroid-n8x0 –enable-rd-mode -R
  21. You will see the following message
    flasher v0.9.0 (Jan 19 2007)
    Suitable USB device not found, waiting
    This means that the flashing software is looking for the N810.
  22. On the N810, hold down the “Switch” button (The one which looks like two overlapping squares, just under the camera). With the button held down, push the power button.
  23. You’ll see some messages on your PC’s screen indicating that the device is being flashed. Let go of the buttons.
  24. Wait.
  25. Wait a little while longer.
  26. Have a biscuit to calm your nerves.
  27. It should be over and done with in less than a minute.
  28. Once it’s complete, unplug the N810. Power it off, then on again. You should see this screen.
  29. It takes about 5 minutes for the first boot to complete. If it takes substantially longer than that, read the troubleshooting section.
  30. TADA! You now have Android on your N810.WiFi works – as do the keyboard and touchscreen. At the moment, sound, BlueTooth & GPS don’t. There are a few random crashes, and the performance leaves a little to be desired. Much like the original Maemo software!
If it all goes wrong, here’s how to get your N810 back to the latest official firmware.
  • Download the latest official firmware from
  • Plug the N810 into the USB cable but leave it switched off.
  • Run the flashing software (yes, with the N810 turned off) by typing
    sudo ./flasher-3.0 -F RX-44_DIABLO_5.2008.43-7_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R
    Remember to replace “RX-44….” with the name of the latest software.
  • You will see the following message
    flasher v0.9.0 (Jan 19 2007)
    Suitable USB device not found, waiting
    This means that the flashing software is looking for the N810.
  • On the N810, hold down the “Switch” button (The one which looks like two overlapping squares, just under the camera). With the button held down, push the power button.
  • Wait. You will have a factory fresh N810 in a matter of minutes.
Happy to help...!!!

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